Get A Quote!

Get A quote, we can handle any event, any size, large and small! For a DJ service quote please fill out the form below and let us know in your message where you event is and how many hours you would like a DJ.

Also you can choose from a wide range of additional extras, including LED up lighting, custom backdrops, Monograms and bubble machines. Once we have your phone number and email address we’ll contact you to talk about your customised DJ quote. Any questions please feel free to Email us or call on 01903416477.

Popular extra packages for 16th, 18th and 21st Birthdays are:

Full Spread Laser Show:

 room3Kids Party Laser

Glowsticks for all Teen Parties:

Kids party Glow SticksHigh-Schhol-Dance1

Bubble Machines:

Bubble Machine Party 2Bubble machine party

Smoke/Haze Machine:

smoke machine 2Smoke Machine

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